Polish food program was created for people who can not prepare a meal themselves because of health or age.
We offer a daily hot meal:
- soup,
- second course,
- salad,
- dessert.
Meals are delivered to the client’s home with help of our volunteers.
The service is available from Monday to Friday. We also offer frozen meals for Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
Meals are delivered between 10am and 2 pm.
In the case of a planned absence (doctor’s visit, leave) we ask you to let our office know beforehand.
Safety of our customers is our top priority. If the clients have not cancelled their meal earlier and are absent during the delivery we try to locate them as quick as possible.
To keep the safety of our clients on the highest level, we delivery our meals only directly to hands of the client.
We make every effort to ensure that we collect data about customers that is:
- accurate and up-to-date,
- contain only the necessary information,
- is only available to people directly responsible for our program and the client’s situation, we update those every year.
We offer you 4 different menus depending on the season.
Menus have been prepared based on our client surveys including seasonal fruit and vegetables as well as healthy food.
All our products with which we make our meals are high in quality.
We try our best to exceed our client’s expectations and that’s why, our menu provides something for everyone. We also try to match up the meals to our client’s taste.
We offer a big selection of traditional Polish meals.
For people with diabetes we can offer alternative desserts.
Volunteers are the heart of the Polish Meals Program. Thanks to them, we are able to get the meals to the homes of our clients. Also, because of their hard work in the kitchen we get to cook different, new and improved meals.
During the week, we give out about 500 hot meals packed into one-time-use containers.
Depending on the day’s menu, it varies between 3 to 4 containers for each client, which turns out to be about 2000 packed hot meals as well as salads and dessert every week.
After the meals are packed they are picked up by our volunteer drivers and taken to the clients’ houses. In order to deliver all the meals to the clients, they drive around 2000 km a week.
In order to become a client of Polish Meals, it is necessary to contact us personally or eventually through a family member, close friend or another organisation.
After receiving your interest, we will set up a meeting with the client or family member to assess the client’s needs and situation and our ability to provide you with our service.
Programs that are run by the Federation of Polish Organisations in South Australia:
- Polish Home Care Packages (HCP)
- Polish Social Support Services (PSSS)
- Polish Active Seniors (PAS)
- Polish Meals Program
For further information, please contact the Polish Federation office at Angas Street, Adelaide.
Programs that are run by the Federation of Polish Organisations in SA are financed by both Commonwealth and State Governments.
230 Angas Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Postal address:
GPO Box 1008
Adelaide SA 5001
Ph: (08) 8232 1464
Fax: (08) 8232 2714